Book samples

Starożytna mądrość chińska Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Here you can see this book's artistic photos, samples and book covers of all obsolete editions.

Some 'look inside' images & artistic photos

Samples (English, Spanish and Chinese)

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Table of Contents

Languages and editions

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

A collection of 81 beautiful and meaningful adages, poems, excerpts from ancient literature. They explain the most important aspects of Chinese civilization. A collection of illustrations (calligraphy, drawings, maps, photos), historical recounts and info-frames make this book a must for any fan of China's philosophy and culture.

Samples and photos Table of Contents

Piękny prezent. Zbiór 81 sentencji i cytatów, które są jednocześnie kluczem do zrozumienia chińskiej mentalności i chińskiej kultury



Samples and photos 目錄
Piękny prezent. Zbiór 81 sentencji i cytatów, które są jednocześnie kluczem do zrozumienia chińskiej mentalności i chińskiej kultury

La antigua sabiduría china

A collection of 81 beautiful and meaningful adages, poems, excerpts from ancient literature. They explain the most important aspects of Chinese civilization. A collection of illustrations (calligraphy, drawings, maps, photos), historical recounts and info-frames make this book a must for any fan of China's philosophy and culture.

Samples and photos Table of Contents