Book samples

Feudalizm we wszystkim prócz nazwy Feudalism in Everything But Name

Here you can see this book's artistic photos, samples and book covers of all obsolete editions.

Some 'look inside' images & artistic photos

Samples (English, Spanish and Chinese)

Languages and editions

Feudalism in Everything But Name

Hierarchies are prevalent in the animal world and in the activity of large powers and empires. This book is a re-conceptualized world-system theory, devoid of niceties and sweet sounding words.

Samples and photos



Samples and photos

Feudalismo en todo menos en el nombre

Las jerarquías prevalecen en el mundo animal y en la actividad de las grandes potencias e imperios. Este libro es una teoría del sistema-mundo reconceptualizada, desprovista de sutilezas y palabras edulcoradas.

Samples and photos