Book samples

Fortele świata zwierząt Trickery and Deceit in Animal and Plant Kingdom

Here you can see this book's artistic photos, samples and book covers of all obsolete editions.

Some 'look inside' images & artistic photos

Samples (English, Spanish and Chinese)

Languages and editions

Trickery and Deceit in Animal and Plant Kingdom

A curated collection of examples of stratagems, tricks, and "deceit" put into action by plants and animals. The examples include hunting tactics, parasite deterrence, posturing and other behaviors mistakenly attributed to sapient beings.

Samples and photos



Samples and photos

Trucos y engaños en el reino animal y vegetal

Una recopilación de ejemplos de estratagemas, trucos y «engaños» puestos en acción por plantas y animales. Los ejemplos incluyen tácticas de caza, disuasión de parásitos, posturas y otros comportamientos erróneamente atribuidos a seres sapientes.

Samples and photos