Bücher von Piotr Plebaniak

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36 Stratagems. The Chinese Art of Deceit and Laying Plans

(2017) A best-selling vision of the Thirty-six stratagems with introduction by Andrzej Sapkowski, creator of the Witcher saga. The book received wide critical acclaim from military specialists in Poland. Approx. 30 thousand copies sold in Poland since 2017.

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Forces of Psychohistory

An extensive study of the patterns of history. The book is a training tool for recognizing patterns of power throughout history. This treasury of practical examples serves as an almanac of tricks and deceit used to destroy countries, empires and civilizations.

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Ancient Chinese Wisdom

A collection of 81 beautiful and meaningful adages, poems, excerpts from ancient literature. They explain the most important aspects of Chinese civilization. A collection of illustrations (calligraphy, drawings, maps, photos), historical recounts and info-frames make this book a must for any fan of China's philosophy and culture.

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Dao of the Wandering Advisors

A beautifully designed collection of hand-picked adages, maxims and passages from ancient Chinese texts. They explain Chinese philosophy, civilization and their creators, the so-called wandering advisers. The book introduces philosophers, their ideas and the most important pivotal moments of the Chinese civilization.

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Stories of Ancient China

A collection of 81 Chinese fables, legends and mythology stories. From these interpretations, the reader can understand the most important and interesting traditions and cultural diversities of China. The book is beautifully illustrated with calligraphy, drawings and photographs.

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China. The pulsating Cradle of Civilization

A composition on the history of China told through historical accounts, famous adages and maxims. The book is accentuated with maps, illustrations and pieces of calligraphy. Recommended by Poland's most renown expert on China, professor and ambassador Bogdan Góralczyk.

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Sun Tzu and his Art of War. Philosophy and practice of influencing the course of events

A new, visionary translation of the famous treatise, The Art of War by Sun Zi (Sun Tzu). Apart from the stylized translation the book contains over 30 essays on the nature of war and conflict. The essays are written by Poland's recognized experts on psychology, language, politics, including a former director of Poland's National Security Office among them.

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The Art of War. Visions of war in the East and West

A popular edition of the author's translation of The Art of War. It contains 16 essays which help to understand the nature and principles of conflicts. Among the coauthors include a former commander of Poland's Army, and a commander of Polish Special Forces unit, GROM.

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Patterns of the Geopolitical Grand Game. Our Future in Times of Uncertainty

A carefully composed set of analyses which show examples on how war and geopolitical struggles are managed by empires of the past and present. The book's motto is ‘energy is everything’ and the four pillars of wisdom contained are: accountability, survival, developing instruments of influence and predictability.

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Geopolitical calendar for the year 2025

Each month comes with a clever adage which help to understand how empires think and act. The author’s commentary suggest some ideas to ponder over: human nature, civilization and war.

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Patterns for Victory #1

A set of carefully picked examples of military action. The historical events are scrutinized through the scope of modern military art. The result is an unique package of knowledge and understanding how to orchestrate a military victory. This book is a co-authorship with a former high ranking officer and operational planner of the Polish special forces unit GROM.

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Patterns for Victory vol. 2

Second set of carefully picked examples of military action. The historical events are scrutinized through the scope of modern military art. The result is an unique package of knowledge and understanding how to orchestrate a military victory. This book is a co-authorship with a former high ranking officer and operational planner of the Polish special forces unit GROM.

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A State's Survival. China's Grand Strategy to Obliterate the West and the US

An in-depth study of the strengths and weaknesses of the two superpowers destined to collide. This book is designed to explain Beijing's grand strategy and the back-end of the design, which consist of the ancient strategy and the recent "Unrestricted warfare" theory.

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Portraits of Taiwan's Aboriginal Persons

This is a set of 18 A3-size printouts of portrait photography. Three of them signed. All of them emanate positive energy of the joyful mood of harvest festivals and other ceremonies.

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Us or Them 2: Israel in the Middle East

All there is to understand on the endemic wars in the Middle East. The main topic is to show the forces that shape the fate of Israel and its people.

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To be published within 1-6 months (In 1-6 Monaten zu veröffentlichen)

Songs of Distant Tribes

(To be published in April 2023) A beautiful photo album collection of portraits of Taiwan’s native aboriginal people. Their joyful portraits tell stories which help us to understand old and modern Taiwan. Interviews reveal the hopes and aspirations from the younger generation while the older generation reveal their most significant events in their lives.

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Depths We Need To Climb Up To

An extensive collection of hand-picked maxims and remarks by most brilliant people of human history. All of them are accompanied by remarks which help the reader to apply the wisdom of the past to their present-day vision of the world. One of background themes are that paradoxes are best descriptions of human nature and Lao Tsu's "An acme of wisdom appears as lunacy". Example: ‘Generals should be kept as far away from battlefields as possible’.

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Patterns for Victory #3

The third set of carefully picked examples of military action. The historical events are scrutinized through the scope of modern military art. The result is an unique package of knowledge and understanding how to orchestrate a military victory. This book is a co-authorship with a former high ranking officer and operational planner of the Polish special forces unit GROM.

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Taiwan. The Beautiful Island in the Eye of Typhoon

All you need to know about Taiwan and the island's customs, history, and inhabitants' greatest stories. The book contains 12 interviews with prominent public figures, dozens of photos and hundreds of rare gems of knowledge on Taiwan's history, society and everyday life.

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Feudalism in Everything But Name

Hierarchies are prevalent in the animal world and in the activity of large powers and empires. This book is a re-conceptualized world-system theory, devoid of niceties and sweet sounding words.

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To be published within 1-3 years (In 1-3 Jahren zu veröffentlichen)

The Art of Statecraft and Command

A comprehensive study of the ancient wisdom and modern science of statecraft and the commanding of military units. As in previous books of the Patterns series, this book contains hundreds of good and bad examples sourced from all corners of the world. We see commanders, state leaders, strategists and all other sorts of decision-makers. And as before, we learn from their mistakes in order not to learn from our own.

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Little Games of Big Empires

A co-authorship with Andrzej Byrt, the former ambassador of Poland to France and Germany. The book is a collection of funny and serious accounts of geopolitical games between empires and countries of the past. The accounts by a professional diplomat are carefully edited by an expert on cross-cultural communication.

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Patterns for Victory #4

The 4th set of carefully picked examples of military action. The historical events are scrutinized through the scope of modern military art. The result is an unique package of knowledge and understanding how to orchestrate a military victory. This book is a co-authorship with a former high ranking officer and operational planner of the Polish special forces unit GROM.

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In Vorbereitung...

Islands on the Goedel's Sea

A space opera Sci-Fi novel which includes a deep dive into the philosophy of civilization, science, war and human nature. With a hyperspace technology at stake, all powers of the 23rd century Earth position themselves for the game of the millennium.

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Ultra-cooperation in the Ancient Greece and Ancient China

An in-depth study of ancient attempts to civilize ancient societies and make them capable of growing above clan-level, society-wide cooperation.

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Sequi Nobis. Patterns for Attaining Mastery

A study in depth on how minds of masters work and how to recalibrate your mind to work at top capacity. Examples range from daily life to military commanders, engineers and inventors who interpret the same raw data, but are able to foresee mental images beyond the scope of the average person.

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Archeology of Chinese Language

An extensive collection of ancient, rarely used words and phrases of Chinese language. It includes modern slang and recently invented phrases. This book is a must-have for students of Mandarin Chinese, as it helps to develop the rare skill of using the student's imagination to process and express ideas and words. This great repository of knowledge for students of cross-cultural communication is an extension of the other book, "Found in Translation".

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The Influence of Will Power upon History

An extensive study on how strong and powerful people shaped the history and fate of nations. It is designed as a counterpart for "Forces of Psychohistory" (2022), in which the main theme is that in the course of events is shaped by momentum of the unstoppable forces of historical necessity. Both books are written in similar fashion as bestsellers by Robert Greene.

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Strong Words by Strong People

A carefully crafted collection of quotes and acts committed by charismatic figures of history. The examples include accounts of episodes and antidotes taken from lives of Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln, or Oriana Falacci and countless other individuals who have shaped human civilization thanks to their determination and spirit. If you are looking for a set of inspirations to become a strong minded person, this book is all you need for your guidance.

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Hidden Corners of Chinese Hearts

A collection of 81 proverbs, adages and sayings which are learned and followed by the Han Chinese since early childhood and contribute to their spiritual and mental life. The topics include Buddhism, folk wisdom, Taoist folk tales and ancient ghost stories. The book contains dozens of colorful illustrations (watercolor, photos, calligraphy, art reproduction).

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Found in Translation

Wanderlust is an overpowering urge to travel to strange countries. And this book is an acme of cultural wanderlust. It contains hundreds of strange words, phrases and ideas conceived in hundreds of cultures around the world. An amazing experience for anyone who enjoys exploring foreign cultures and languages. A source-book of inspiration who needs to master the skill of cross-cultural communication.

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The Strange and Peculiar Stories of Chinese Past

The most peculiar or unusual stories and tales of Chinese yesteryear. The book contains 81 short tales which were most popular or influential in their epoch, since Zhou Dynasty 25 centuries ago to those conceived during the last dynasty in 19th century.

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Tales of Old Japan

A collection of beautiful Japanese legends, stories, myths and historical accounts. They are a doorway to understanding the Japanese society and minds. The content is full of colorful illustrations: calligraphy, photos, drawings and art reproductions. This is a 2nd volume of series "Tales of the olden East Asia"

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War Stories of Ancient China

This volume is a collection of accounts of battles and wars. The tales and stories present acts of wisdom, trickery, deceit and benevolence. Also, the most famous and prominent generals, warriors and heads of state are presented along with accounts of their most famous deeds.

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The Deceit and Trickery of Ancient Chinese Masters of War

It is a collection of historical accounts of which Chinese history lovers enjoy the most. It contains tales of trickery, deceit and brilliant tactical and strategic plans. The stories are derived from both historical records and fiction, which in the Chinese readers' minds are intertwined together.

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Tales of Old Korea

A collection of beautiful folk tales, legends and historical anecdotes which explain how Koreans think and how they perceive the world today versus in the past. The content is full of colorful illustrations: calligraphy, photos, drawings and art reproductions. This is a 2nd volume of series "Tales of the olden East Asia"

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Forces and Counterforces

A deep dive into philosophy of human nature and war. Conflicts and wars seem to have a layer of ideological struggle, which shape the events. These deeply buried forces and counterforces shape the visible struggles in elusive ways. The incompatibility of the ideologies decide that conflicts are or are not resolvable. Knowing these patterns is the key ability which allows to shape the destinies of civilizations, empires and lives of single humans. This book has the potential to become a timeless masterpiece of insight. It contains essays by the most respected figures of academic lives in Poland and other countries.

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Trickery and Deceit in Animal and Plant Kingdom

A curated collection of examples of stratagems, tricks, and "deceit" put into action by plants and animals. The examples include hunting tactics, parasite deterrence, posturing and other behaviors mistakenly attributed to sapient beings.

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Unintended Consequences

A huge collection of anecdotes and accounts of institutional blunders. The examples are followed by in-depth analysis of human nature.

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Principles of Security Threat Management

A comprehensive dive into psychology of threats on all levels, personal, institutional, and military. A collection of case studies in which the author analyzes correct and incorrect strategies for prevention, planning and deescalation. A must-read for any professional decision-maker in the field of security.

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Exemplars of Valor

A collection of inspirational stories of courage and valor. All the accounts and stories are carefully picked from sources around the world.

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Patterns for Victory #5

The 5th set of carefully picked examples of military action. The historical events are scrutinized through the scope of modern military art. The result is an unique package of knowledge and understanding how to orchestrate a military victory. This book is a co-authorship with a former high ranking officer and operational planner of the Polish special forces unit GROM.

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Patterns for Victory #6

The 6th set of carefully picked examples of military action. The historical events are scrutinized through the scope of modern military art. The result is an unique package of knowledge and understanding how to orchestrate a military victory. This book is a co-authorship with a former high ranking officer and operational planner of the Polish special forces unit GROM.

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This means war!

An in-depth study of historical examples. It is to provide answers on how states and empires decide to engage in a war.

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Samples in English and German (Proben in Englisch und Deutsch)

Songs of Distant Tribes

PDF sample in English. A photographer's Afterword

Language (語言): English

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Forces of Psychohistory

PDF sample in English. How Catholic Church's social engineering created Europe

Language (語言): English

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PDF 中文樣品, 章名 信任:這個世界軸心的真正潤滑劑

Language (語言): 國語 (Chinese)

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